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 Our Curriculum Implementation


At Wednesbury Oak Academy, we believe computing is an integral part of our curriculum. Pupils enjoy learning new skills using the tools and applications from Purple Mash. This platform enables our children to plan, execute and evaluate their own work. We are passionate about preparing our children to be both safe and confident accessing technology in everyday life. We believe that children should be equipped with the skills to be at the forefront of new technology they may face. During the first term of our Computing Curriculum each year group will complete a unit looking at different aspects of Online Safety. This is then built upon throughout the year, both in Computing lessons, PSHE and the wider curriculum. We also participate in Online Safety Day each February.


Computing is taught weekly to allow children to build on their skills and, where possible, each unit has a real-life outcome. The strands of ‘Digital Literacy’, ‘Information Technology’ and ‘Computer Science’ are taught in each year group, with the skills and knowledge required becoming progressively more complex.


We have a Computer Suite, two trolleys of iPads and a Chromebook trolley to ensure that all year groups have the opportunity to use a range of devices and programs for many purposes across the wider curriculum, as well as in discrete computing lessons.




