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Overview of our Wednesbury Oak Writing Curriculum

Texts We Study In Writing:

The Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar

In years 2-6, we begin our Writing journey by following Grammarsaurus: Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar. During this time, learning is focused on children's understanding and consolidation of basic grammar and punctuation skills - aiming to provide children with a secure understanding of what a sentence is and needs. 

In each year group, children learn about different types of nouns and verbs. They then look at what a subject is and learn how to recognise verbs and subjects in independent clauses. Children build single clause sentences, punctuating them correctly, and where appropriate look at how conjunctions are used to join clauses. 


Year 1 follow Grammarsaurus: Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar in Autumn 2, after spending Autumn 1 focusing on transcription skills. 


Have a look at our English Work section to see our Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar and transcription work in more detail. 

How We Teach Writing:

When we are studying a quality text, first, we 'Read it'. Then, we complete a 'Rip it' lesson. Here we look at key structural and linguistic features of the text to become familiar with the genre we are writing. 


After a Rip it lesson, we then have 'Rehearse it' lessons. These are skills lessons, which focus on the appropriate skills needed in order to be successful writers of the genre we are writing. Our Rehearse it lessons lead up to us completing  Write it sessions, where we independently apply the skills learnt. Before and after these sessions, we may have Revise it lessons, which allow us to focus on any misconceptions we may have as well as furthering our learning of key skills. 

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